Hey, I'm Miguel

I’m a product designer & strategist based in Amsterdam, happiest when we work together to find the sweet spot between a happy user, a thriving business, and a healthy world.

For the last 10+ years, I've helped organisations around the world connect with their users, solve strategic challenges, and design delightful digital products.
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Here are some things I can help you with

Connecting the dots
Products do not work in isolation, neither do teams. I like to move around your organisation and bring disciplines together, so we can create the best experience from A to Z.
Advocating for your users
I'm passionate about constantly listening to your users, but I'm even more passionate about making their voices be heard.
Making fuziness tangible
I'm great at visualising ideas, making complex challenges digestible, and bringing experiences to life from sketch to execution.

Figuring out your next step
Either it is big or small. I'm driven by curiosity: explore the unknown, try things differently, learn, repeat.

Have a look at some examples of my work

Parking like a pro
Finding the correct place to park a shared scooter or bike can be extremely stressful when juggling between the traffic and understanding the complex city rules. We've made it easy for users, so they can focus on enjoying their ride.
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Your daily shopping, like nowhere else
Russia's leading supermarket Azbuka Vkusa knew their online experience was not on par with their experience in-store, so they partnered with IceMobile to rethink their digital strategy, and renew their e-commerce app from the ground up.
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Loyalty Solution for OXXO
With more than 20,000 stores, OXXO is synonym of convenience in Mexico. However, such a scale can play a disadvantage when running loyalty promotions. Effective loyalty becomes time-consuming and complex, and difficult to measure its profitability.
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Connected Apnea Care
NightBalance’s patients struggle to stay adherent to their apnea therapy. A multichannel care solution prevents this by learning from their progress, and continuously adapting the therapy to their individual needs.
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Relevant Messaging at ABN AMRO
Communication from the bank to its users is complex to orchestrate since it’s triggered at different moments and initiated by multiple departments.
The message centre proposed a framework for bringing all these messages together in a prioritised, coherent and relevant way for the user.
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Interested? Let's talk!

Drop me a line to discuss what I could mean for your organisation.